Content TypePages

NØKKELTALL for Trondheim og Trondheimsregionen 3. kvartal 2023. Befolkningsutvikling til og med 01.10.2023 Ved å klikke på lenken under kommer du til en interaktiv visning av en rekke demografiske variabler for kommuner som inngår i Trondheimsregionen, samt storbyregionene Trondheim, Oslo, Bergen og Stavanger. Denne figursamlingen inneholder befolkningsstatistikk ifølge kommunestrukturen per 1.1.2020, med to unntak: Tall for den delen av Snillfjord som inngår i...

We can also have some storytelling around this… The original JSON is here:

The Samåpne project organises an open data challenge. See the details below.

KPIs – CityxChange +CityxChange (Positive City ExChange) is a smart city project, that has been granted funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in the call for ‘Smart cities and communities.’ The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is the host and leads the +CityxChange consortium together with the Lighthouse Cities Trondheim Kommune and Limerick City...

This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this: Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night,...